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Friday, January 14, 2011

Here doggie, doggie 2

You know how after you buy a new car, you see them absolutely everywhere? Never noticed them before, but now every other car on the road indicates that the driver has good taste just like you? This is a post about doggies. Well, after the little spotted doggie drama, the very next day what should I see but another dog running down the street while on my way to do very important busy things. Cuter by far than Spot-what the heck, let's just name him-and wearing a red sweater, was this adorable little white fluffy dog. Who can resist a little white fluffy dog? I mean not to own, just to enjoy for a few minutes. Unlike that dog, Spot,this little girl came right up to me. I love a girl with whose got her priorities straight. Run around and have fun but be smart enough to recognize when you need help. Tucking her comfortably under my arm, I asked around and knocked on a few doors but no info about where this little gal lived. No Information to be had. So, rather than calling the Humane Society, I drove her straight there cooing to her from the driver's seat, complimenting her on her choice in sweaters. She was friendly to staff and after assuring them I wasn't relinquishing my own dog, I watched as they took her photo assuring me that someone obviously loved her and would show up for her soon. But here's the thing--in one of those crazy, amazing moments, I overheard the desk person talking on the phone to someone about a little white dog with brown spots. "Yeah he's here, uh-huh, well you'll have to bring proof of ownership and $73 to claim him." Yep, you guessed it. Spot was rescued, incarcerated and awaiting his freedom. I went back to the kennels just to confirm my suspicions and that little stinker--he came right up to the fence, wagging his tail like we were old buddies. &nI forgave him for all that chasing around the day before and drove off to finish my errands not looking right or left lest I spot yet another canine in distress.

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